Figura Analytics is a spin-out business from Loughborough University, UK, founded by scientific researchers. The company has revolutionized quick liquid analysis. Scientists can detect contaminants in a few minutes instead of hours or even days through the ML-based solutions we have developed.
data points generated/second
minutes liquid analysis
The academic team has been researching and developing a cutting-edge solution that can deliver precise measurements of particles in a solution, revolutionising the speed and accuracy of liquid analysis. However, as a team of scientists, they needed help in developing the right software to be able to collect data and make it easy to work with.
Our collaboration resulted in cutting-edge software that can characterise, identify, and quantify particles in liquid samples in minutes instead of hours, as was previously done with traditional methods.
Capturing data with the Figura Data Reader
The Figura Data Reader is a desktop app that allows scientists to control the valves and pumps of their their patented liquid analysis device. The device processes sample liquids through Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, capturing essential data.
Machine-learning liquid analysis with the Figura Analyser
The Figura Analyser takes data that is captured through the device, providing the ability to create graphs and charts to understand the particularities of the liquid.
The desktop app uses a machine learning algorithm (Random Forest Classifier) that essentially builds a fingerprint for the product, estimating the shape of a particle and detecting whether it is a contaminant or not.
Technologies & platforms
The collaboration resulted in innovative and transformative software that scientists and researchers can use for quick liquid analysis and contamination detection. Our contribution resulted in:
- Designing a solution to fit their budget and timeframe
- Filtering and calibration of data, machine learning algorithms, generating around 50,000 data points per second
- The software detects contaminants in under 5 minutes, as time is essential, especially in an industrial setting
- Connecting the devices to the cloud for easier result interpretation
- Launching the products and reaching their target clients (hospitals and drinks manufacturers)

Rhush Maugi
As a team of scientists, we had no experience building software. Our collaboration with Qubiz has been nothing short of incredible. We have been able to deliver two successful products to our clients. Additionally, Qubiz provided a pathway to determine the most cost-effective way to achieve our goal.